
The W. Family

What a sweet, beautiful family!

and again... I got kicked out of my location! :) We arrived at 9:00a.m. and after just being there a minute the security guard asks us "how much longer are you going to be?" Yikes! The plan was to be there for 2 1/2 hours! Well, I asked him if we could just do a few in the grass and then walk back on the walkway. He said that would be fine and that we could go on the other side. I thought he just meant on the other side of the building, which was great. So we headed that way and again he approached us and he said he meant on the other side of the river! mmm.... well we got our hour in but not without him letting me know that if he sees me on the property again he's going to charge me with criminal trespassing! mmm...I guess I won't go back there. But, it worked out fine.. we found another location to do the other families and it worked out great.

This is my favorite... I just love the laid back casual interacting photos... I think they make the most priceless pictures.

Thanks for letting me take your pictures and share the morning with you.

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