
MINI SESSIONS! ( 1 session left)

I am offering 10 Mini Sessions. These are the only
sessions I will be offering for the rest of the year.
They will be scheduled on November 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
(It's hard to imagine... but you might want to think about
wearing layers, sweaters, scarves, pants, boots, or hats).
I am super excited for these sessions and for the
top-of-the-line prime lens I've rented!

Location TBD
(waiting to see what fall colors might come)

Thursday, November 3rd
2 evening sessions (5:30, 6:00
Friday, November 4th
2 evening sessions (5:30, 6:00)
Saturday, November 5th
4 morning sessions (7:30, 8:15, 8:45, 9:15)
3 evening sessions (5:00, 5:30, 6:00
Times may change due to lighting and weather.

* 25 minute session
* 10 proofed images
* cd of full resolution files
sized to print up to 11"x16"
with copyright release
*1 4x6 proof print of each image

A la carte options:
*25 boutique Christmas cards with envelopes $50
*8 Wallets $15
*8x12 and smaller $15
*4x6 $5
*5x7 $10
*8x12 $15
*11x16 $35
*16x24 $80
*20x24 $110
*24x30 150
*30x40 $200
*For 11"x16" prints and larger, you can have your prints mounted for $25
*Beautiful customized image box with your 10 portraits printed on styrene...
would be ideal for your home or for a gift for your parents! $160
*Other sizes, stand out prints, canvases, and albums are available.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for you to receive your cd, copyright release, and prints.
Upon delivery, please make all a la carte ordering within 2 weeks.
If you have more than 5 or 6 in a family, please add $20/person.

$100 due immediately to hold your spot.
Please email me at konifrost@gmail.com

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